Jake Warhurst

Head chef

The Village's head chef Jake is from Brisbane, Australia

He represented his home nation in the prestigious international cooking competition Bocuse d’Or and has worked at some of the best restaurants in Australia as well as in Los Angeles and Canada.

Prior to joining the team at The Village, Jake was head chef on nearby Necker Island. He says he considers the balmy climate when cooking for guests at The Village and likes to keep the food suitably light, including using veggies and herbs grown in the estate garden. While Jake’s happy to create whatever guests desire, he says, ‘My favorite brief is: source the finest produce you can get your hands on and cook it to its best advantage’.

Jake’s also a talented musician and plays guitar, keyboard and drums.

Jake Warhurst

'My favorite brief is: source the finest produce you can get your hands on and cook it to its best advantage’

Brooke Shenton

Estate manager