Travel in style

From the US

The easiest method of travel is by private jet to Beef Island, Tortola, where you will be met and taken by private launch on an exhilarating 30-minute ride through sparkling waters to Moskito.

Alternatively, fly commercial to Antigua, San Juan or St Thomas, then take a short flight to Tortola (20 minutes from St Thomas, 45 minutes from San Juan and Antigua), and track the islands of the Caribbean as you fly over a tapestry of turquoise waters and lush greenery. During the summer months there are often direct flights from Miami to Beef Island, Tortola (3 hours).

Helicopters can also land on Moskito, while some guests choose to be dropped off by yacht.



From the UK and the rest of Europe

Fly by private jet to Beef Island, Tortola or commercial from London to Antigua then hop on a 45-minute flight to Tortola.

At Beef Island airport you’ll be met and whisked, via a 30-minute trip by private launch, through the Caribbean Sea to the island.

Travel to Moskito
Arrival by boat