Wild nature

Flora and fauna flourish in this pristine environment

An unspoiled island paradise

Moskito Island is a private Eden where wildlife flourishes in all its exquisite beauty.

Beautiful pink flamingos (roseate spoonbills) can be seen flying over the island to visit Moskito’s flamingo pond where they feed and bathe undisturbed. They are joined by other wild birds that make Moskito their home, such as the green-throated carib hummingbird and the yellow and black bananaquit bird.

The island is also home to the Virgin Islands ground lizard, the crested anole lizard and the abundant dwarf gecko. One of the world’s smallest lizards, the rare sphaero, has also been spotted on Moskito.

Marine life

Incredible marine life can be seen while snorkeling off the island and when scuba diving on the giant reef nearby. Hawksbill and green turtles, sailfish, tarpon, kingfish, wahoo, parrotfish, angelfish and barracuda are commonly encountered, while spiny lobster, eagle rays and starfish nestle among the sea fans and coral.

Between December and May, it’s possible to spot humpback whales around 12 miles (19 km) north of Virgin Gorda as they travel north to colder waters to hunt for krill and plankton.

Tamed nature

Each of the estates has beautiful gardens which include grassy areas where kids can play and where adults can do yoga and snooze in the shade, as well as sculptured sections of tropical planting and colorful blooms.

Paths have been carefully placed to provide links to lookout spots and gardens as well as hiking routes across the island and to the beaches.

At many of the estates, fruit trees and productive gardens have been planted so guests can feast on fresh tropical produce.